
Lengua Materna

March 01, 2019

Writing in English is not an easy decision. In Medium I have followers mainly for the Engineering+Product content that I write in English or my essays and articles in Spanish. That way is very difficult to mantain a consistent publication strategy (and I don’t intend to), here I will have probably have less restrictions so I will be able to keep pieces in whatever language I am more comfortable writing for that topic. In Twitter I suffer the same dicotomy. Having this site will –all likely– allow me to definitely switch between both languages to only one in a hypothetical future where that decision matters at all.

Funny enough, in English my words spread faster and further, but in Spanish my words resonate deeper within the smaller network. This is all likely a “problem” shared by many authors and entrepreneurs in the digital era. I have no intention to choose, but if there is a preferred strategy, I’d probably choose deeper than wider.

These words above about this site and its purpose are more for my future self than for you; In any case, hope you find it interesting. I will use this way my public voice to order my own thoughs.

Thanks for reading

Jesús Darío

Written by Jesús Darío from Sevilla who is an engineer and an entrepreneur 🐦 @jsdario